Are you tired of bad leads that you had no control over?

How to generate leads

How do you generate leads? I bet you don’t. I bet you pay for problematic leads all the time! There are a lot of problems with leads. Everyone in sales knows this. A lot of people in sales though, have not looked into the route of the problem! First you need to ask: What is missing from these leads? How were they Generated? Where are they coming from? (not the regular…Facebook leads /Google leads answer, keep reading!).

Leads & Landing Pages…

Awesome Example of Landing Page

Lets look at some good examples first. Netflix. Of course. They are well known, have a great online presence. The landing page is on point. Has a description and a call to action with a free trial. Those are all things you can replicate. The hardest thing to replicate is their online presence.

They know that most people need to see an online product at least 3 times before they buy. May be it isn’t as relevant to them now as everyone knows Netflix, but it still holds true for acquiring new clients. You can create your online presence in 2024 in a few weeks. With a well planned content strategy you can get verification on your new ideas or current ideas in a matter of a couple months or even a couple of days once the machine starts functioning. Here is what you’ll need to do:

The starting point of the sales funnel… CONTENT!

First you need to get on Social Media. That’s the first big step. And if you already have an account… may be you need to delete it. I am assuming that the @handle isn’t that great anyways as all the good ones are taken (that’s why i have 3 “z’s” on my name) so if you have done anything like paid for followers, follow for follow, or any sort of Guru schemes… DELETE AND START OVER.
Now that you have a good standing with the platforms you need to do a bit of research on your niche. Should not take more than a couple of hours of scrolling and googling information about the same topic. Don’t look at the underdogs, look at the success stories and replicate those. You are an underdog, if you do what every other unsuccessful person is doing, you should not expect success. Start emulating success. Super easy online. All you have to do is remix their reels and start getting followers. Go to the best new performing reels and remix that with your own message. See the results on the views and thank me later.

After doing that for a week or so you can start focusing on asking the followers questions and telling them to start doing things. Use your posts and stories for that. Reels are like a bunch of fish hooks that are grabbing attention. The people that saw a reel that brought them onto your profile will most likely never see another one of your reels again. They will see a lot of your posts and stories though, so focus on that once they are in your followers club 🙂

Stepping it up a bit! The fun part starts!

Now that you have everyone’s attention start asking and asking and asking. As soon as you get a follower ask them a question. Make them used to responding to you and helping you out along the way. Ask them to share. Ask them for feedback. You will be surprised how willing people are to help if you are willing to ask!

Gather some analysis through those polls and questionnaires you have been posting on your stories and bring it all together. You should have a few hundred followers at this point after a few weeks. Now act like you weren’t planning to do this and present them the product or idea you were actually wanting to test. I bet it has changed since you made the account based on the feedback alone but that’s a different subject in its own right.

I hope you have website by now (if not that’s not a problem Mivibzzz can help you with that). Create a custom link in bio to brand yourself to your audience. Shouldn’t take your developer more than 30 minutes to do this. Put all the relevent links and information there and start leading people to your resources or to an email sign up (which we can also help with).

Generate Leads!

This is the point of picking up the fruits of your labor! Whether you were testing an idea or starting a completely new business from scratch. You should have a better idea of what you need to do as well as the first few early adopters waiting to hear more and support you on your journey. Now that you have this in place, you can reuse this funnel for you business and add onto it. You can generate your own leads and test your ideas on your own platform. As it grows and you get sales I bet your mindset will change, as mine did on how you are doing business in the future.

A bit of tips from personal experience.

This website is the result of my process that I described above. I did not read this somewhere, even though it isn’t an original idea by any means. I came to this conclusion through trial and error. It seems to be the conclusion everyone comes to with a decent following. I am sure you have seen bits and pieces or even a more in-depth version of this being stated somewhere… Well I think for one of the first times, it’s on the platform that came of this system. Not too bad. We are sitting at around 1/4 million followers now. Here is some proof in the form of images, but you are better off clicking on the site and taking a look around to see the results first hand. If you need any help feel free to contact me directly through any of the many ways I can be contacted… I am still a one man band!

AI Tools

I do have a lot of Ai tools that help me. Even named them after some of my friends. They can also help you make your life on social media a bit easier. If you don’t want to use mine make your own like I did! It isn’t very difficult. I can go on about how beneficial it is to have an Ai bot that is familiar with your business and costs 0.000000002 cents to answer any questions a client must have, but let’s leave something for another post. ;0

This post as everything else I do is testing a concept. It’s 2024 don’t get married to an idea and support it when it turns out to be a bad one. Be flexible. Learn and improve. If something doesn’t work it takes 2 days to delete it and create it again. I started this in April. The site was started in August.

The images below are courtesy of me… The awesome pulsating effect that I have no idea how to do again because i didn’t do it the first time, is courtesy of my AI Content creator SE-Ni… He also helped me code this website as I don’t know how to. I just had some good ideas i guess.


3.9 Million Views On Instagram
11 Million Views On IG with intent to generate leads
generate leads with a 7 Million Views on a Reel
Viral Reel with 3 Million Views
Viral Reel with 6.5 Million Views for lead generating
Showing Viral Content from YouTube Analytics to generate leads

Start your Sales Funnel and Generate Leads.

You don’t have to use our services. The short article above does a pretty good job explaining what you need to get started. Once you need that extra push come back. In the mean time follow us to get more great ideas on how to grow your channel and build out a great sales funnel!